Lecture 7
Seismic Analysis, Behavior, and Design of Low-damage
Rocking Concrete Wall Buildings
1.75 hours prerecorded, 1 hour discussion

The lecture first reviews the nonlinear mechanical behavior of conventional (fixed-base) ductile RC walls including their damage and failure modes as well as their force and displacement limits considering experimental testing data. Based on the limitations of ductile RC walls, the need for improved seismic behavior and damage resistance of concrete walls at regions of high seismic hazard is established. The nonlinear mechanical behavior of rocking concrete (with and without post-tension) is presented. The advances in the design of rocking walls in terms of type, layout, and detailing of reinforcement that enhance the capacity and damage resistance, compared to ductile walls, are covered. Experimental testing results of individual rocking walls and structures validate the theoretical approaches. The modeling and nonlinear analysis of rocking walls using the simplified beam-truss-model in ETABS Ultimate is covered. The concept of rocking planar walls is extended to the case of low-damage rocking core walls for tall buildings and computational simulations of entire buildings are presented. At the end, the experimental testing results of low-damage rocking fiber reinforced concrete columns is presented.
Mechanical Behavior and Limits of Low-damage Rocking Concrete Walls ( with and without post-tension)
Mechanical Behavior and Limits of Conventional (fixed-base) Ductile RC Walls
Modeling and Nonlinear Analysis of Rocking Walls
Seismic Design of Rocking Concrete Wall Buildings
Rocking Core-walls for Tall Buildings